Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Thriller - Script


As the title sequence begins, the ringing of a phone from a phone box dominates the scene. Someone picks up the phone, ending the constant ringing. The receiver is Investigator JEREMY FISHER and he is curious as to who is calling. The caller is ANONYMOUS, hinting the FISHER’S curiosity is growing.
A silence is held after the phone is picked up. 

You’re Investigator Jeremy Fisher, aren’t you? 

Yes. Speaking is…? 

ANONYMOUS doesn’t answer to FISHER’S question; just continues.

I have some information regarding Dean and Alison Atkinson.
DEAN and ALISON ATKINSON are the criminal couple who are at large after committing a bank robbery.

How do you know about the–
ANONYMOUS interrupt FISHER blatantly. 

They’re at [Address]. Better swim, Fisher.
Abruptly, ANONYMOUS hangs up the phone. 

FISHER’S footsteps are heard as he makes his way to [Address], leaving the phone dangling from its holder. The ‘Interrupted Call’ tone drones in the background.

DEAN is anxious. He paces about the room questioning to himself what to do next.

We’ve got to go. They’ve found out.
DEAN slams a suitcase onto the table, filling it with belongings and supplies.

Why did we wait so long?

DEAN, with a packed suitcase, places his gun inside. The loading of the bullets sounds out. DEAN slams the suitcase shut. As the suitcase is closing, the screen cuts to black, revealing the title ‘Anonymous Lead’. The droning sound of a dialling tone raises in volume.

Thriller - Storyboards

Thriller - Title explanation

'Anonymous Lead'

We deccided on This as our title for our thriller as it limks welll to the overarchhing plot of our thriller, as it revolves around an investigating detective recieving phone calls to assist in the capture of the countries most wanted criminal couple. 'Anonymous' links to the plot of the film as the identity of the caller is hidden throughout throughout the story of the film, leading the audience to question the the trust the detective puts in the anonymous caller, and adding an element of suspicion as to how dangerous the caller may be.
We chose to use the word 'lead' in our title as it is a word with a double meaning and can be interpreted as "to cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward." which may suggest the detective is being manipulated by the caller, "a position of advantage" which alo implies the control of the caller, or the colloquial term used by police to aid in the capture of criminals, which fits well with our story. 

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Thriller - Plot synopsis

The start of the film follows the criminal couple Dean and Alison Atkinson in the aftermath of a bank heist gone wrong, they retreat to their safe house while similtaneously the detectve assigned to the case, Jeremy Fisher recieves an anonymous phone call tipping him off on the location of the couple's safehouse and a sequence takes place following Fisher' chase towards the flat and the couple's brief eacape from the police.
Following this is a flashback to the robbery that occurs before the escape, one of the four members of the gang involed dies in the shootout and no police from the bank are killed, the three remaining members exit the scene to thier escape vehichle and a car chase sequence occurs, killing another member of thier gang.
As the film progresses, flash forward to current events, Dean and Alison steal a car from a man who attempts to fight them off, Alison shoots him.
Detective Jeremy Fisher gets another Call from Anonymous whle in his office, teh caller tells him of the recent murder and car theft of the couple, and Fisher proceeds to call in support on the crime scene.
Cut to the couple in the now stolen car, while driving, they discuss the outcome of the robbery and who they can trust to get help, Dean mensions an ex-gang member. As they arrive, cut to Fisher's office who recieves another anonymous call, who informs him of thierwhereabouts, Fisher sends a detachment to the house.
Meanwhile, the couple are welcomed by Dean's ex-gang member, the couple spend the evening there and all is well for the time being.
Later, The ex-gang members house is attacked by an armed police unit, gang member dies in defense of the couple while they hide, bearly escape and head for a nearby air field, persued by police. In the action, Alison betrays Dean by shooting him in the leg and escapes onto the plane on her own to save herself.

Thriller - Pitch

Notorious Criminal Couple, Dean and Alison Atkinson escape from persuing detective Jeremy Fisher Who depends on an unknown caller for information about thier whereabouts.

Evaluation - Question 2

Question 2 by Seb Wright on Scribd