One particular scene, sequences a fight between Bourne and a CIA assassin. During the scene, 107 cuts are made from shot to shot to simulate and visualise the pace of the action occurring the action cuts between a number of different shot types, Mid-shots are used to show an overview of the action, although these are very short as to allow the audience a glimpse of what is taking place,
close ups to show details of what Jason is doing and to allow us an insight into his skills, as seen when he takes initiative to use a pen to defend himself, long Mid-shots that pan slowly around the action detail to us the events taking place and to show the battle for survival between Jason and the Assassin as well as to show match the two are against each other.
close ups to show details of what Jason is doing and to allow us an insight into his skills, as seen when he takes initiative to use a pen to defend himself, long Mid-shots that pan slowly around the action detail to us the events taking place and to show the battle for survival between Jason and the Assassin as well as to show match the two are against each other.
This is a start, but I'm disappointed with your work. It isn't detailed enough and doesn't include screen shots + accompanying analysis of specific moments from the film. Look at blog posts from last year for examples of the standard of work you should be producing.